We are very excited to be able to announce the first International Opquast webinar 2nd March 2022 at 4pm.
Why web QA? A lack of quality induces spiralling costs and inefficiencies; expensive redesigns, lost customers and critical risks such as privacy, security, inclusion etc. All of these problems will manifest quickly and repeatedly until Web QA is adequately accounted for.
In this webinar we’ll shine some light on how web QA will help:
- Identify quality issues:
- Mitigate fundamental web/digital risks for accessibility, performance, UX, SEO, poor user engagement etc
- Improve team collaboration on customer-centric quality
- Contribute to meeting major corporate CSR goals; eco-design, inclusion, privacy, security etc
We will also present ‘Opquast Start’ a free one-hour training that will provide you with a basic understanding of Opquasts web quality assurance approach. (We will be giving all attendees the opportunity to take the course!)
For the first webinar Opquast founder Elie Sloïm will introduce Opquast and it’s activities and the Opquast QA approach. It’s an opportunity for you to see if you identify with the missions of Opquast and what you would gain in becoming Opquast certified
The schedule for this first 2022 international Webinar is :
- Introduction – participants
- Who is Opquast, What is webQA and how it helps meeting critical organisational objectives (Paul Houston – Elie Sloïm)
- Who is Opquast
- User requirements (model) – UX UI, Mapping
- Certification
- Culture, first step on web QA
- Opquast start module presentation
- Questions and answers
Practical information
- Zoom meeting
- Duration: 1hour including 15 minutes Q & A
- In English
- 2nd March 2022 at 4PM (Central Europen Time)
The Opquast community of certified professionals now numbers circa 14,000. We are a wide wide array of professionals working in the web and digital sector brought together with the ambition of ‘making the web better’ i.e. more accessible and inclusive, more user-friendly, more in tune with modern social demands.
Our certification programme also facilitates a number of key organisational goals such as better collaboration, customer centricity, risk mitiagtion and increased quality.
The Opquast missions aid the growth of the community who are disseminating web QA practices and safeguarding the quality of the web for their users.
Your hosts
Elie Sloim

Elie worked for over 20 years on the quality of websites, making him one of the undisputed pioneers of this discipline. A monomaniac of Web Quality, Elie divides his time between managing and running the Opquast network, giving training and participation in web conferences (Csun San Diego, DevCon Mauritius, ParisWeb, Confoo Montreal, Accessibility Québec, Codeurs en Seine, TuniSeo, Data on the Web London).
What is your favourite best practice and why?
It’s very difficult to choose one in particular, it changes a little every time 😉. Let us settle on best practice No. 145: The naming of internal downloadable files makes it possible to identify the content and origin. It allows users to not end up with nonsensical filenames in their home area such as ‘invoice5.pdf, document12.word, etc. This is an excellent example we use in training.
Paul Houston

Paul Houston is a British national. He lives and works near Bordeaux. He is an experienced specialist in business development and strategy. He joined as director of Sales and Marketing. Among his personal goals are: to work with companies that have an ethical focus and can have a positive influence in the world. His secret skills are classic and modern cocktails, he was trained by a number of U.S. and U.K. specialists.
What is your favourite best practice and why?
No. 38 – The nature and quantifiable characteristics of products and services are shown. It is one of many best practices that help users make informed choices. A baseline study (User Interface Engineering, 2001) showed that it was possible to increase online sales by 225% by providing customers with sufficient information at the right time. Of Course while return on investment is difficult to measure, such best practices immediately inspire user confidence in brands.